Privacy Statment

This privacy statement is for the purpose of demonstrating our continued commitment in the name of personal information privacy for those who visit and interact in this website. We take into consideration and high regard your privacy when it comes to the personal information that you enter in our website. The following statement discloses the dissemination and information-gathering practices.

Your privacy is important to us and we aim to protect it. Our policy is primarily designed to give you a walkthrough on how we gather and protect all the personal information which our customers provide for us. We also assist you when it comes to informed decision-making when you put our website to good use. This policy is constantly updated for new technologies, customer satisfaction and needs, and the latest business practices as well.
What is the information that we collect?

There are two kinds of information that you need to provide when you visit this site. The personal information which is collected in a private individual basis. The other one would be the website use information that’s collected on an aggregate manner.

Choice provision of personal information
1. Registration form
After registering for our offered services and products, you will need to provide us with information about yourself
2. Credit card information
Purchasing our offered products entail that you disclose your credit card information to us for validation. For this juncture, we employ a strict and protective system to keep all your credit information safe. You will need to provide your full name, billing address, email address, contact number, credit card digits, and date of expiry.
3. Email information
If you wish to communicate with us via email, we retain all of the contents of your messages, our correspondence, and your email address as well.
4. Website information
Just like any other websites, we have developed ‘cookies’ to serve you better. We also use web server log sites for collecting input on how the website is used. These information collected includes time and date of visits, viewed pages, how much time they spent on the site, and what are the other websites that they have visited before and after ours.

How we use the information which you provide us with
The personal information which we have collected from our clients like you are used for administering and maintaining all our business transactions and activities. We also use it for the provision of the services and products that you call for, to process the payment method of your choice and supervise the total use of our service. We also use them for promotional and marketing campaigns and for the improvement of our product line and content. Other uses for the personal information that we collect from you would be for the continued customization of the layout of our website, the products, and the services that we offer. Personally identifiable information and other business-related information are prohibited by the law to be shared within parties unless it is legally required to disseminate it. The other information which we collect from you are also used to inform you of the crucial changes which our website may undergo from time to time. We wish to get our clients updated on the newest offers, services, and promotions all the time. You are free to notify us if you don’t wish to be a recipient of these information updates by sending us an email which we have provided in our electronic newsletter.

Cookies defined
Cookies are defined as minuscule text documents that usually include an unnamed unique identifier. Every time you visit any website, the computer which supervises it asks your PC for permission so it could store the cookies on your hard drive. Every website has its own unique cookies which it sends to the computers of its visitors. It’s in your conviction whether to give permission or not. For your protection, your browser may only grant permission to a website that has cookies which have already been sent to your computer. Most of the time, PC browsers are wired to approve cookies. You can also alter configurations of your computer if you don’t want to accept random cookies every time you open a site. If you choose to have limited access to your PC by these cookies, there are some areas on our website which may not function in the best results. You have nothing to worry about because cookies doesn’t have the ability to collect data from a user’s hard drive or even pass on viruses and worms to your computer.

How do we utilize the information which we gather from the cookies?
Every time you visit our website, the cookies can identify you from the other users who visit us. There are cases when cookies allow you to be logged in only at a limited period of time for your safety. The cookies work hand in hand with our website’s log files to calculate the number of people who visit us and give us a tally of the most frequently browsed sections of our website. This allows us to maintain and improve our site for the best interest of our clients.

IP Addresses
The IP addresses are data used by a computer each time you connect to the internet. It’s a series of numbers used by a computer for identification. The IP addresses of our clients are collected by the site’s web server and file it as profile and demographic data, converting them into valuable traffic.

Selling and sharing of information
For the assurance of privacy for our clients, we do not rent, share, lease, or sell any part of the information that are used to identify each one of our subscribers. These information include personal details and email addresses unless it is deemed necessary for business transaction purposes and for the provision of services which you have requested from us.

How to correct or access your personal information
Please feel free to request access to your personal information that’s identifiable to you in our database.

More on Legally Compelled Information Disclosure
We can disclose client’s information especially when we are legally compelled to do it. We may as well disclose of our client’s account information with good reason if any legal situation calls for it for the overall safety of our users and of course, the general public.

How about other websites linked to this website?
We are not primarily responsible for all the practices that are employed by those websites which are linked from and to our own, and even all the information that are contained within their sites. Usually, the links that are related to other websites are often provided as pointers to topics that are deemed useful to our clients. Try to remember that if you go and use a link from our website going to another one, the privacy policy which we uphold will no longer have any effect on the situation.
User’s consent
Every time you use our website, you give us permission to utilize your personal details which are state in the company’s privacy policy. We have the right to reserve the duty to amend the said privacy policy whether there is a notice of it or not.

Data security commitment
All of the inputs from our clients are safely stored in our databases in Australia. The regulations which pertain to storing personal data in the country is a bit less strict compared to other countries. In order to avoid unauthorized access, to make sure that all information are used correctly, and to maintain the integrity of all data and its accuracy, we have placed the right use of information and we ensure that all our managerial, physical, and electronic procedures to secure all of the information that we have collected online.

This website allow the access of visitors to subscribe and unsubscribe at will, that way, they won’t have to receive any future messages or newsletters from the company.

Contests and Surveys
Our website requests needed information from our visitors through contests and surveys round the clock. We encourage voluntary participation in the surveys and contests and you, as the user can or cannot disclose any part of the information. These things include contact information, and demographics. The contact information is utilized to inform our winners and of course, award prices too. the data which will be collated from the survey shall be the basis for improvement and monitoring of the website.

Minors using the website
Children who are below 14 years of age are discouraged from submitting any form of personal information. Parental guidance is advised.

Change in Ownership and Acquisition
In the occasion that this website or any one of its assets are acquired, all of the information which you have given us will be considered as part of the assets.

Policy modifications
The Privacy Policy may be changed with regards to the miracle mineral supplement anytime. If or when there are changes to the policy, the changes shall be posted so it’s very important to check back in here from time to time. rest assured that in the event that the Privacy Policy may have changes in the near future, we shall not be using any of the personal information which you gave us, if no consent from the client is bestowed.



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